Sunday, July 12, 2009

The surface is not flat, it's spherical!!

Naa!! I'm not talking about the earth being spherical or the old misconception that it's surface is flat. If indeed, it is information on that that you are looking for, I advice you to click here! :)

What I have in store is something that will quite fit your hand, but still, going to leave you as baffled as the surface of the earth had centuries earlier...

One of my friends got in touch with me, asking for my mail address (though we meet each other quite frequently) citing that he wanted to send the link of a page to me. After much difficulty (me email id has got 24 characters in it!!), he did manage to send it. And then...

He had briefed me as to what to expect and it was, once again, something to do with Rubik!! It was an article from the Times telling about the new puzzle that Ernö Rubik has come up with...

Here is a man, who, after 20 years or so, has come up with yet another puzzle, that is bound to create waves, as the first one had. With a promise of lesser mathematics being involved, a hint saying gravity plays its own part(!!) and a suggestion that the manual dexterity of the solver (which if you would like to know, has no place with the cube) has a role to play; the "Rubik's 360", as it has come to be named, is surely going to appeal and irritate the masses, as much (if not more!) as the cube had done during its hay days.

Next up, it is for us to wait till the official release in August happens. Till then, let us just chant the mantra :
"Six squares made THE CUBE; now, three spheres make 360!!!"